

There she stood; now here she stands
On her small island
A visual of her private world- seemingly solid
Yet so very fragile
Darkness crowds in- the only light
A dim glow at the center of her island
Like a candle, it casts out the darkness in its immediate proximity
The edges, in shadow, cannot be seen
They are a mystery
And that's where she find herself
Standing on the edge- in the darkness
Not covered; yet covered enough
Fear threatens- her footing unsure
In the shadows
Where is the edge? What are the boundaries?
She takes a step back, and hears the breaking of dirt;
     Rocks falling
Her world is crumbling
Falling into the black abyss outside of her island
The light is growing ever more faint
The wind taunts at the small flame
She tries desperately to reach the light
     To protect it
Forward she lunges
Fumbling towards what remains
The darkness overtakes where she had just stood
On the edge
The light- now a mere flicker
Only illuminates the core of this, her private island
     She stands- fighting the shadows that hover at her back
Again, she feels the ground beneath her feet-
It shifts; no longer a solid
Her heart begins to pound-
She begins to slip
As the darkness crowds in, the solidity of her world fades
She finds herself once more
     On the edge

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