

Swirling, twirling, sinking;

She was weightless and without strength.

Clawing against the blackness beneath,
Grasping for light above.
She reached out and kicked with all her might;
     at last, she burst forth.
Air and moonlight and life hit her all at once.
She gasped for air and clutched to the rock that had become her savior.
It was cold. And hard.
She didn’t care.
She dug in. Nails thick with moss mingled dirt.
She clung to that rock like her life depended on it.
It did.
In the distance, she could see a light. It bobbed as though floating- a buoy?
No. It was growing larger. Coming closer.
Her strength threatened to fail her.
Through weak knees and buckling arm muscles, she climbed higher upon the rock.
Her goal was set. She would be saved.
At last.
The light grew ever nearer.
She cried out, “Have mercy! For I am indeed, in need! Have mercy!”
A rope. an outstretched arm. A safe place.
Safe from the drowning seas. Safe from the bitter waters.
At last.

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